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Back on the Grind?

Writer's picture: Alex YeumAlex Yeum

Photo courtesy: Google

Summer break is over. It’s time to retire the beach towels, put the sunscreen back in the cabinets, and dive headfirst into what feels like endless assignments. But don’t worry – I've got your back, whether you’re still trying to savor the lingering sensations of summer or already hyperventilating at the thought of incoming essays. Re-entering the world of Extended Essays, Theory of Knowledge exhibitions, and infinite Internal Assessments doesn’t have to feel like a prison sentence. With the right mindset, you’ll be ready to dominate the rigorous IB program and maybe even enjoy the ride.

The Sleep Dilemma

Summer meant staying up late, binge-watching shows I missed, and sleeping in like there was no tomorrow. But now, it’s time to let that go and reintroduce yourself to the concept of bedtime. You might think that you can survive on caffeine and willpower alone, but trust me – by the time you’re staring down the barrel of a 28-page Criterion B and C report (you don’t actually need to write that much, don’t worry), your body will be begging for mercy.

To ease the pain, start adjusting your sleep schedule gradually. Try to go to bed 15 minutes earlier each night and wake up 15 minutes earlier each morning until you are a productive machine. Think of it as training for a marathon – if you try to run 42 kilometers one morning, you will be paralyzed the next morning. 

Organize, Prioritize, Survive

If your organization strategy during the summer was to toss everything into the dark corner of your room and hope for the best, now is the time to clean up your act. You’re about to enter a world where deadlines must be prioritized, and disorganization can lead to disaster. Whether it’s your desk, backpack, or the dark abyss known as your Google Drive, putting things in the correct order will save you numerous migraines. 

And yes, invest in a planner. Before you roll your eyes, hear me out. Juggling assignments for every subject, club meetings, sports practice, and trying to have a social life is nearly impossible without a planner. Plus, there’s something satisfying about crossing off tasks – especially when those tasks include surviving another day in our rigorous IB program. 

Tick Off One Crisis at a Time

The start of the school year is like tiptoeing into a minefield of tasks. The last thing you want to do is trigger an explosion of stress. Remember that you don’t have to tackle everything all at once. Review your syllabus (yes, that means actually reading them) and understand how to break down your assignments into manageable pieces, maybe even getting small things done beforehand. 

When you’re staring at your first Internal Assessment or that looming Extended Essay deadline, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. But remember: Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither will your EE. When you get anxious, tell yourself to take things step by step and reach out for help – whether from a teacher, friend, or pet (though their feedback might not be so helpful). 

Social Re-Entry: More Than Just Academics

Maybe you spent your summer chilling with your closest friends or lived a secluded life enjoying peace by yourself. But now, it’s time to enter the social atmosphere of school. Don’t limit yourself to academic interactions; reconnect with classmates you haven’t seen over the past few months, and try to be a part of the broader school community. 

And don’t forget about extracurricular activities. Model UN, theater, or sports are all activities that can give you a much-needed break from the academic grind. Plus, they look great on college applications – just saying.

Keep the Big Picture in Mind

Amidst all these assignments, it’s easy to lose sight of why you’re studying so hard in the first place. The projects, the essays, the late nights – they all serve a greater purpose, even if it’s hard to see when you’re buried under a pile of books. Even as a senior myself, nearing the end of my high school career, it’s still hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. But remember, every Humanities project, every TOK object, and every IA is one step closer to graduation. And that’s something worth celebrating, even if the journey there is a bit intense. 

In Korean, there’s a saying, “시작이 반이다 (sijag-i ban-ida)” meaning “Starting is half the battle.” You're practically halfway there by simply showing up and taking those first steps, even if it doesn’t feel like it. So, welcome back to the grind! It may not be as carefree as summer break, but with some hard work, you’ll thrive through the school year. Who knows? By the time next summer rolls around, you might even miss the hustle, chaos, and madness of the grind.


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